Natural products
Our shared passion is hair and hair care with a focus on sustainability and products with natural content. That's why PARK's proprietary and exclusive quality products are thoroughly tested and approved by the hairdressers themselves.
See all products
Rose Shampoo - Shampoo for curly hair
Perilla Shampoo - Anti-dandruff shampoo
Cypress Shampoo - Anti-hair loss shampoo
I have bought violet shampoo and conditioner, for blonde and gray hair, fantastic product, the fact that they think about the environment with a deposit system on the bottles is fantastic.
— Lillian B.

I have bought violet shampoo and conditioner, for blonde and gray hair, fantastic product, the fact that they think about the environment with a deposit system on the bottles is fantastic.
— Lillian B.

I have been using PARK products for a year and a half now, and my hair has never looked better! I can highly recommend the Ylang Ylang series as well as the Heat & Shine and Dry Volume Spray. I love that there is now a Dark edition available.
— Emily N.

The best products I have ever used for my hair. Their "honey pot" hair mask is 100 percent worth the money and addictive. Really great hair products and makeup.
— Anja

PARKs salons
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Our own
Used bottle recycle program
PARK packaging has a value of 2,50€. We do this to protect our environment, as it is very important to us at PARK Styling that we all take care of the environment.
You do not pay a deposit but still get 2,50€ back. We call it the Used Bottle Recycle Program. At PARK, we have chosen to create our own return deposit system. This means that a PARK bottle is worth 2,50€ when it is empty. You can then return it to your local PARK salon and get your money back or purchase new products. We hope you will use our return deposit system for the sake of the environment.